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All political parties must (do) accept that there is a long-term health crisis in the UK. As this piece in the Guardian highlights we have a current government publishing a strategy, arguably without substance, just months shy of a general election. The opposition who offer little detail as to their own plans step back and ‘throw stones’. Many thanks to our elected representatives.

The report says key ‘stakeholders‘ support the proposals PUBLICLY but what about behind ‘closed doors’? are they truly engaged and committed? If so where’s the detail and how long will it take to be in the public domain? Those that are critical of the policy (who are probably funded by “the system” no doubt) won’t go on the record publicly for fear of rocking the boat and ‘threatening’ said funding.

Time is against us. Consistent use of the word ‘sport’ is arguably a barrier to entry to many who see it as not for them. The infrastructure to enable individuals to be more active more often is under threat as never before. Think green spaces / playing fields lost to housing development; leisure centres under threat of closure; lack of PE in schools.

The narrative has to shift more towards (regular) activity and health and have cross party representation and collaboration to break the political cycle and create a genuine sustainable social impact. Welcoming colleagues from the health sector as standing members into the “National Sector Partners Group” (who are accountable to who ???) might not be a bad idea too.

We can’t wait for a top down solution – it might never happen as the political agenda shifts to the next short term problem or soundbite opportunity (and / or self preservation and re-election). Let’s have better collaboration and action lower down the “food chain.” To coin a phrase lets ‘unite the movement’. We all have a duty of care to our communities and ourselves. DOCIAsport Ltd is keen to be apart of any bottom up action group. “We are all better together than any one of us”.

Take and give care