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4 Pillars


The sport and activity sector needs to build confidence within its infrastructure –  from funders, sponsors and participants. We help to ‘professionalise’ the standards of the workforce employed or deployed for good governance and culture.


Leaders and key stakeholders in community level sports are now more focussed on ensuring equal opportunities for everyone to become more active. But public funding is constantly under the threat of review, so we work to keep local sports facilities open by broadening club usage across community needs including championing Community Wellbeing Hubs in amateur rugby league clubhouses.


Success in sport can often come at the cost of the wellbeing of athletes, coaches and administrators as evidenced by recent investigations into the culture of high performance sports.  We believe that success should ‘inspire a generation’ whilst demonstrating Duty of Care In Action. DOCIAsport offers advice, support, and guidance to make this happen by collaborating with clients and partners to define owned definitions of success.


It is part of the Sport England strategy ‘Uniting the Movement’ to challenge those they fund with moving more into health and creating equal opportunities. DOCIAsport has experience in facilitating real collaboration of local stakeholders to create sustainable social, economic and environmental impact. For example, the award winning ‘Community Wellbeing Hub Project for The Rugby Football League’.

DOCIAsport – The Framework

The inspiration for DOCIAsport came from the lived experience personally and vicariously of MD Ian Braid. As CEO of the British Athletes Commission, Ian saw that athletes had no faith in the governance and culture of their National Governing Body. “Why should I raise a grievance? Nothing will happen and I will lose my place and funding”. The coaches that Ian became involved in didn’t feel they had anyone to turn to. When Ian was diagnosed with a work related mental illness, he discovered there were too many other CEO’s and leaders in the same position.

The way forward had been identified in the key recommendations of the DCMS Duty of Care In Sport report following Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson’s review (April 2017). The impact of that report has been undermined by politics, changes in key personnel and the passage of time.
There are however many people and organisations looking to create a ‘better way.’ DOCIAsport is in the vanguard, working with others to make a difference.

Click on each segment for more information.

DOCIAsport – The Framework

The inspiration for DOCIAsport came from the lived experience personally and vicariously of MD Ian Braid. As CEO of the British Athletes Commission, Ian saw that athletes had no faith in the governance and culture of their National Governing Body. “Why should I raise a grievance? Nothing will happen and I will lose my place and funding”. The coaches that Ian became involved in didn’t feel they had anyone to turn to. When Ian was diagnosed with a work related mental illness, he discovered there were too many other CEO’s and leaders in the same position.

The way forward had been identified in the key recommendations of the DCMS Duty of Care In Sport report following Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson’s review. The impact of that report was undermined by politics, changes in key personnel and the passage of time.
There are however many people and organisations looking to create a ‘better way.’ DOCIAsport is in the vanguard working with others to make a difference.

Click on each drop down for more information.


DOCIAsport offers independence, integrity and experience through a collaborative approach. We work in partnership with our clients to offer insight and support through guided practice into delivering duty of care in action in sport


Historically the Sports Councils ‘only’ charged sport deliverers with getting more people more active. Sport England’s strategy ‘Uniting the Movement’ challenges those they fund with more moving into health and creating equal opportunities. DOCIAsport has experience in facilitating real collaboration bringing local stakeholders together to create sustainable social, economic and environmental impact. For example, the award winning ‘Community Wellbeing Hub Project for The Rugby Football League’.

Safe Guarding

Historically sport has focused on young people but has more to do to protect adults at risk. This is a critical aspect of duty of care to make sport more inclusive and safe. DOCIAsport helps with independent advice based on experience.


For high performance athletes many don’t decide when their sporting career ends – its decided for them by injury or deselection. DOCIAsport is the mental health partner of the charity SwitchThePlay Foundation, specialists in this area and we are here to help. DOCIAsport has an established track record of working with coaches and leaders too looking to make career and lifestyle changes at a time when many feel isolated, lonely and lacking support from someone who understands.


The delivery of sport and activity has to be seen to be safe not only to insurers but also the participants in their various roles. Sport and activity has to recruit and retain people. Their engagement will mean sport and activity will then have a social, economic, and environmental impact at a community level and for society as a whole.


The delivery of sport or activity must be seen to be safe to encourage take-up and retention of sport and exercise – either as part of a person’s lifestyle and / or because they have a talent and a gift.


Whilst the DCMS review very much focussed on high performance athelete representation, DOCIAsport works more broadly to include representation for coaches, administrators and officials as well as athletes at all levels to ensure they have a voice collectively and individually. 

Mental Health

DOCIAsport encourages ownership of wellbeing at individual and corporate levels. Reactively DOCIAsport delivers accredited Mental Health First Aid Training and proactively looks to reduce the risk of poor mental health e.g., by delivery of the ‘Take and give care’ workshops.  

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

As important as safeguarding in inclusion at all levels of sport on and off the field of play. DOCIAsport offers insight into looking at the sporting system from the perspective of minority groups to overcome subconscious bias and encourage collaboration.


This is multifaceted. For example, DOCIAsport has worked across the HE sector and lectured on Duty of Care to offer advice and support to the next generation who will be involved in sport and activity.  Hopefully some will become future leaders in the sector of their communities informing and influencing sustainable change. DOCIAsport looks to create qualified instruction on mental health first aid and then support the ‘people looking after the people’.